
Hydrogeomorphological studies of Bellary Taluk, Karnataka through integrated geological and geospatial approach
Bellary district comes under severe drought prone area and receives very less annual rain fall. The maximum precipitation takes place between June and October and total annual rainfall approximately reaches up to 900 mm /annum. This area purely depends up on the ground water resources, The Ground Potential Zones must be identified and conserved to compensate the present need. The Integration of Geological and Remote sensing data gives the better way to identify and map the ground water potential zones and helps to explore and conserve the ground water. The image processing followed by visual interpretation techniques gives the key to find and map the hydrogeomorphological units from the Landsat-8 image and to evaluate the groundwater potential zones. Similarly ground water level data is used to find the ground water flow direction of Bellary taluk which has been taken from various sample wells spatially distributed across the Bellary taluk. Rainfall data gives the amount of precipitation and the drought level. The various thematic database on geology, geomorphology, soil, landuse/ landcover, slope, drainage, lineament and related thematic database have been prepared in Arc GIS. GIS integration was performed with all these geological and geospatial database through spatial overlay techniques and rank and weightage analysis was performed to find the Ground water potential zones and better water resources management planning.