
Free and open source GIS, mobile GIS, and data collection tools for conservation biologists
Development in technology over the last some decades has contributed to almost every sector. Powerful Geographic Information Systems (GIS), mapping techniques and developments in hand held devices and web technologies has changed the way people used to work. These technologies are being used by almost every organisation to upgrade their skills and knowledge and produce comparatively better results. In addition to it, evolution in Web and Internet technologies has also empowered people to share, analyse and present data through multiple platforms. In biological world -ecologists, conservation biologists and wildlife researchers are yet to make efficient use of GIS, mapping, and web technologies as important data collection and interpretation tools. With the development in the existing capacities of hand held devices such as smart phones, tablets, and other such devices- knowledge of GIS, maps, navigation, and various other android applications may help to a greater degree in data collection and surveying in the field. This work provide an overview and demonstration of how field biologists, research scholars, and students can use a combination of such free and open source GIS softwares, MobileGIS, android applications, and various other tools to enhance their research, data collection and analysis capabilities.