
Dr. D Raji Reddy is currently Director of Research at PJTSAU, Rajendranagar, Hyderabad. A Doctorate in Agrometeorology, has worked extensively in dissemination of best technologies available on real time basis to the farming community by various possible means.
He is also instrumental in starting "Climate Clubs" which mainly focus on developing farmers friendly mitigation strategies in the event of climate change issues. Conceptualized and build an eAgromet software system which an IT-based agro-meteorological advisory system in partnership with IIIT, Hyderabad to ease the preparation of agromet bulletins has been developed and this system is scalable and extendable to all the crops and agro-climatic regions of India.
Monitoring and assessment of rainfall and crop
conditions using geospatial technology
Indian summer monsoon rainfall shows large variability and changes in space and time. Farmers
must have the ability to adjust to changes by adapting farming practices such as changes in
crops and varieties, improved water management practices and changes in planting and nutrient
schedules. Monitoring and assessment of rainfall and crop conditions at different scales using
geospatial technologies and timely dissemination of information constitute the most vital part for
enhancing yield levels in different crops. The modern technological tools such RS & GIS and crop
models need to employ to foresee the possible climate change impacts on crops and accordingly
adaptive strategies should be disseminated through the Agromet Advisory bulletins. Remote sensing
data from a wide range of satellite sensor systems currently available, offer a different dimension
to agricultural drought assessment. These techniques used in proper assessment of drought
coupled with conventional methodologies. The system should use all possible geoinformatic data
and should assists in monitoring the occurrence and development of droughts and floods and
analyze disasters comprehensively and provide instant mitigation strategies.