Geobusiness & Location Intelligence
More than 80 percent of data in a business enterprise's IT can be mapped, while 60 to 80 percent of the enterprise's decisions are based on geographic data. Merging business intelligence and GIS, or geo-business intelligence, provides a powerful visualization system which can be used to support a wide range of business decisions ranging from operating to strategic, be it product positioning or pricing, priorities, goals and directions at the broad level.
Focus Areas:- Dialogue and exchanges between enterprise-level geospatial technology adapter companies comprising of both the private as well as the public sector
- Integration of geospatial with information technology initiatives that could help decision making, planning, implementation and execution of sustainable growth for organizations;
- Create geospatial awareness and future collaboration opportunities among the technology users segment within the region;
- Present best practices on the successful geo business intelligence initiatives
Vinod Bothale
Group Director, Geoportal and WebGIS Services, National Remote Sensing CentreBio | Presentation
Pramod Kumar Parida
Scientist, Odisha Space Applications CentreAbstract | Presentation
Rajesh Paul
Director, Excel GeomaticsAbstract | Presentation
Dwaipayan Dighal
Senior Regional Manager, Hexagon Geospatial, IndiaAbstract | Presentation
Marutish Varanasi
TriCADAbstract | Presentation
Siva Ravada
Director of Development Oracle's Spatial technologiesPresentation
Wg Cdr P K Mishra
JPAC Technologies pvt ltdPresentation