
Emerging geospatial trends in smart city modelling
Building of smart cities is the major focus nowadays in the arena of urban development by Government of India. The rapid technological evolution is becoming a key factor to trigger true user-driven innovation. However to fully develop the smart city concept to a wide geographical target, an infrastructure is required that allows the integration of heterogeneous geographical information and sensor networks into a common technological ground. In this context, 3D city models will play an increasingly important role in our daily lives and become an essential part of the modern city information infrastructure. To develop a useful city model, an extensive study is required in the form of proper geospatial and architectural planning of the proposed area. These planning can be visualised through ‘3D City Models’. To prepare the city models, user needs to have the high resolution aerial or stereo imageries with precise sensor information, the corresponding digital surface models (DSM) and oblique and field photographs to generate building facades. Moreover, to make the city model of a larger area in short stipulated time, the user needs a fairly accurate and ‘automated’ software tool, which could process the data with least user intervention.
Rolta Photogrammetry & Imaging and Rolta Automated Photogrammetry and TerraIn Dashboard (RAPID) are true 64 bit software which will allow to produce precise DSM, relief, 3D building model, ortho image and flythrough using the high resolution stereo satellite or aerial images. Another module of Rolta IP based product called Rolta Software for Walkthrough (RSW) will help in building facades and capturing of field details like placement of trees, light posts etc. The uniqueness of RAPID and RSW combination suggests that the entire method is optimally configured and the process could be automated with a single click by defining desired accuracies. These immensely save the data processing time and renders systematic array to the output files and directories.We have observed that the models build on the basis of satellite (Ikonos and Geoeye) sensor models (RPCs) give fairly accurate results.