
Development of open source Web GIS based geospatial application for rural water supply & sanitation
Nowadays Open source is widely used for web based applications globally with huge development and it is supported by the open source community. The paper discusses about the development of application and usage of Map Server for publishing six different maps for Rural Water Supply & Sanitation Department of Government of Telangana. The main aim and objectives of the current study is development of open source web GIS based geospatial application which has been developed by using open sources like Postgress SQL, Map Guide and Pmapper etc. The web based applications are developed for (1) Visualization of administrative boundaries like Circle/District, Division and Sub Division, and up to habitation level along with updated staff particulars and the status of a habitation with respect to availability for drinking in lpcd, (2) Visualization of laboratories locations at Circle, Division, Sub-Division along with updated staff particulars, (3) Visualize, assess and analysis of Ground Water Quality Maps up to village level for Pre and Post Monsoon seasons, (4) Visualization of Average Ground Water Quality Maps at Village / Mandal / District levels for Pre and Post Monsoon seasons, (5) Visualization and selection of suitable sites for availability of Ground Water Prospects which were prepared using Remote Sensing & GIS techniques, & (6) An application for downloading Grid wise (1:50,000 scale) Ground Water Prospects Maps which are in pdf format. All these applications would help more effective sharing of information relating to the ground water resource availability and ground water quality etc with user groups, planners, research, universities and administrators. In conclusion web based GIS application is a useful tool for facilitating in visualizing, assessing and monitoring the scientific and other non-scientific spatial as well as non spatial data in seamless manner.