
UAS-based laser scanning: case study of typical applications
Two practical applications of UAS based laser scanning (ULS) in this presentation demonstrate the potential of the latest methodological extension of established laser scanning scenarios. Considering the well-defined requirements of surveying open-pit mines, we highlight the advantages aircraft, allowing to explore areas that are otherwise difficult or impossible to access. We point out the cost-effectiveness for survey-missions that have to be carried out on a regular basis. In order to even enhance this economic advantage, complementary sensors like, e.g. cameras or chemical sensors, can be mounted on a suitable carrier platform. The potential of multi-sensor integrations will be discussed.
Surveying complex archaeological sites serves as a second example for the specific capabilities of ULS: even inaccessible areas or zones covered by vegetation can be precisely captured thanks to the advantages of both the aircraft and the integrated sensor system: while survey grade laser scanning ensures a high degree of measurement precision, high spatial resolution and multiple target acquisition, the use of a remotely piloted aircraft provides a perfect setting for carrying out the surveying mission: in comparison to conventional aircraft, UAS can pass through very narrow environments, allowing for a gap-less and thorough data acquisition for jagged, protruding, meandering elements.