
Geospatial Technology for Integrated Water
Resources development
The National Water Policy’ 2012 acknowledges water, an essential but scarce resource with skewed
distribution, requires common policies and strategies for its integrated development. Societal
demands dictate its developmental priorities for meeting food, fibre and energy requirements simultaneously
satisfying the aspirations as regards its quality and environmental concerns.
Geospatial technology offers powerful resource management tool through multifarious facilitation
to planners. Capabilities to observe/ map remote and inaccessible places for generating timely
and spatially distributed multidisciplinary datasets based on geospatial attributes for holistic
analysis of water resources aspects are some of these facilities. India-WRIS WebGIS (Version 4.0),
launched jointly by Central Water Commission, Ministry of Water Resources, River Development
and Ganga Rejuvenation and Indian Space Research Organisation, Department of Space in 2014,
offers ‘Single Window’ solution for comprehensive, authoritative and consistent data & information
of India’s water resources along with allied natural resources in a standardized national GIS
framework tools to search, access, visualize, understand and analyze the data for assessment,
monitoring, planning, development and finally Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM).
The portal has been designed looking at the variety of users and their requirements. The portal
next versions will be enriched further with modules like 3D Geo-visualization, direct link to current
hydro-met observations, hydrology tools for online analysis and WRIS education.