
GIS based Planning and Expansion of Drinking
Water Distribution System
All through the eight international millennium development goals, sustainable access to safe
drinking water and sanitation is greatly emphasized. In India, Forty five percent of children are
stunted and 600,000 children under five die each year, largely because of inadequate water supply
and poor sanitation. In the state of Telangana only 23% of the habitations of the state are fully
covered with 55 LPCD, which is far below than the country average of 37%. The Government of
Telangana recognised the importance of this basic need and has taken up a flagship program of
providing drinking water to each and every household of the state in the next 3-4 years. The ambition
is to ensure safe and sustainable drinking water at 100 LPCD for rural areas and 135 LPCD for
Urban areas. This would be met from dependable surface water sources, Krishna Basin with 41.7
TMC and Godavari Basin with 50 TMC.
Water supply is irregularly spread over space and time and often not found where it is vital. The
strong constraint on water use, in case of domestic purpose and industry is the need of constant
supply throughout the year. To assist the Government, a strategy is applied by dividing the state
into different grids based on topography and elevation of the drinking water sources and the habitations.
First and foremost the spatial network of the existing infrastructure is captured. A total of
10,151 structures were found and along the Railway line 408 crossings points of the pipeline were
identified. Based on the mapping work of TRAC, estimations and permissions required are carried
out. The project is in progress after the field survey modifications in the pipeline network is expected
and network within the village may be carried out in the next stage.