
Coastal Digital Elevation Modelling and Inundation Risk Assessment in Australia and the Pacific Islands
The Cooperative Research Centre for Spatial Information (CRCSI) is an Australian National Research Centre that aims to address large challenges using the fundamental spatial technologies of global navigation satellite systems, spatial data infrastructures, data fusion and spatial feature extraction. The CRCSI seeks to accelerate the take-up of spatial science in its key end users, spawning major innovation and productivity advances in the key industry sectors of Health, Defence, Energy & Utilities, Sustainable Urban Development and Agriculture, Natural Resources and Climate Change. The presentation will cover the CRCSI’s work on climate change in Australia and four Pacific Countries, specifically the use of elevation models to provide decision support frameworks for assessing the risk of coastal inundation and sea level rise. It will address the national approach adopted to develop digital elevation models and the subsequent use of methodologies in the Pacific.