
Changing the paradigm of public safety management
The Computer Aided Dispatch System (CAD) is designed to respond to emergencies reported by citizens in distress. Minimum Response time achieved by any CAD system in attending to an emergency is paramount. Over the years, the public safety systems have seen transformation from the basic sounding of an emergency using alarm bells, analog telephony to digital communication providing caller number identification and location. This presentation brings out the emerging trends in the Computer Aided Dispatching and their inclusion in the indigenous software designed and developed by Rolta India Limited.
New wireless and IP-based communications devices are being developed at a rapid rate, offering capabilities such as text and video messaging. The shift is from the voice centric to data centric (voice, text, image & video streaming).The Computer aided Dispatch system therefore needs to gear up to receive calls and data from multi-media devices. The collaborative approach amongst various responders like police, Fire, Medical and Municipal/Administrative authorities is another emerging trend for responding to a major incident or disaster. The synergized efforts by multi-agencies will require sharing of databases, field resources and infrastructure. Rolta GeoCAD, an advanced emergency response software has been continually incorporating the emerging technology. The software with its open architecture, owned IP rights and a dedicated team has successfully met the changing needs and is future ready to meet the New Generation standards.