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Emerging Trends and Technology

Rolf Schaeppi , Leica Geosystems AG Presentation

Mrinal Singh, MD & CEO, Nobel Systems, Bangalore Presentation
Enabling Intelligent Infrastructure

Gordon Staples, Senior Analyst, MDA, Canada Presentation
The Role of RADARSAT-2 for Flood and Agriculture Monitoring

Dr. Philippe Simard, President, SimActive Inc.Presentation
Scalability for Large Photogrammetry Projects

M S Saran, Scientist – B, National Transportation Planning and Research Centre (NATPAC), Kerala Presentation
Shortest Path Analysis and Service Area Allocation for Ambulance Services in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation - a GIS Approach

Ramakrishna Charmarthi, Assistant General Manager Software, Avineon India Private limited, Hyderabad Presentation
Integrated Emergency Response Application

Vishnu Boorla, Manager Technical Services, Intergraph, India Presentation
Cloud Computing

Shipra Verma, GIS Cell Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology, India Presentation | Full Paper
The Use of Satellite Data for Identifying the Risk of JE Disease in District Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India

Aditya Kumar Singh, Geo Spatial Application Developer, India Urban Space Foundation, Banglore.Presentation